Intel Defined CPU Exception Table (see notes)
IBM PC Hardware Interrupt Table (in order of priority)
Interrupt Table as Implemented by System BIOS/DOS
INT 9 - Keyboard Interrupt (Hardware Handler)
INT 10,2 - Set Cursor Position
INT 10,3 - Read Cursor Position and Size
INT 10,4 - Read Light Pen Position
INT 10,5 - Select Active Display Page
INT 10,8 - Read Character and Attribute at Cursor Position
INT 10,9 - Write Character and Attribute at Cursor Position
INT 10,A - Write Character Only at Current Cursor Position
INT 10,C - Write Graphics Pixel at Coordinate
INT 10,D - Read Graphics Pixel at Coordinate
INT 10,E - Write Text in Teletype Mode
INT 10,10 - Set/Get Palette Registers (EGA/VGA)
INT 10,11 - Character Generator Routine (EGA/VGA)
INT 10,12 - Video Subsystem Configuration (EGA/VGA)
INT 10,13 - Write String (BIOS versions from 1/10/86)
INT 10,14 - Load LCD Character Font (convertible only)
INT 10,15 - Return Physical Display Parms (convertible)
INT 10,1A - Video Display Combination (VGA)
INT 10,1B - Video BIOS Functionality and State Information (MCGA/VGA)
Video BIOS Dynamic Functionality State Table (MCGA/VGA)
Video BIOS Static Functionality Table
INT 10,1C - Save/Restore Video State (VGA only)
INT 10,FE - Get DESQView/TopView Virtual Screen Regen Buffer
INT 10,FF - Update DESQView/TopView Virtual Screen Regen Buffer
INT 11 - BIOS Equipment Determination / BIOS Equipment Flags
INT 12 - Memory Size Determination
INT 13 - Diskette BIOS Services
For more information see the following topics:
INT 13,4 - Verify Disk Sectors
INT 13,6 - Format Track and Set Bad Sector Flags (XT & portable)
INT 13,7 - Format Drive Starting at Specified Track (XT & portable)
INT 13,8 - Get Current Drive Parameters (XT & newer)
INT 13,9 - Initialize Fixed Disk Table (XT & newer)
INT 13,A - Read Long Sector (XT & newer)
INT 13,B - Write Long Sectors (XT & newer)
INT 13,C - Seek to Cylinder (XT & newer)
INT 13,D - Alternate Disk Reset (XT & newer)
INT 13,E - Read Sector Buffer (XT & portable only)
INT 13,F - Write Sector Buffer (XT & portable only)
INT 13,10 - Test for Drive Ready (XT & newer)
INT 13,11 - Recalibrate Drive (XT & newer)
INT 13,12 - Controller RAM Diagnostic (XT & portable only)
INT 13,13 - Drive Diagnostic (XT & portable only)
INT 13,14 - Controller Internal Diagnostic (XT & newer)
INT 13,15 - Read DASD Type (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer)
INT 13,16 - Change of Disk Status (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer)
INT 13,17 - Set DASD Type for Format (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer)
INT 13,18 - Set Media Type for Format (BIOS date specific)
INT 13,19 - Park Fixed Disk Heads (AT & newer)
INT 13,1A - Format Unit (PS/2 model 50+)
INT 14 - BIOS Asynchronous Communications Services
BIOS Asynchronous Communications Services (Status)
INT 14,0 - Initialize Communications Port Parameters
INT 14,1 - Send Character to Communications Port
INT 14,2 - Receive Character from Communications Port
INT 14,3 - Get Serial Port Status
INT 14,4 - Serial Port Extended Initialization (PS/2 & later systems)
INT 14,5 - Extended Communication Port Control (PS/2 & later systems)
For more information see the following topics:
INT 15,0 - Turn Cassette Motor On (PC,PCjr only)
INT 15,1 - Turn Cassette Motor Off (PC,PCjr only)
INT 15,2 - Read Blocks from Cassette (PC,PCjr only)
INT 15,3 - Write Blocks to Cassette (PC,PCjr only)
INT 15,F - Format Periodic Interrupt (PS/2 only)
INT 15,21 - Power On Self Test (POST) Error Log (PS/2 except 30)
INT 15,40 - Read / Modify Profiles (convertible only)
INT 15,41 - Wait on External Event (convertible only)
INT 15,42 - Request System Power Off (convertible only)
INT 15,43 - Read System Status (convertible only)
INT 15,44 - (De)activate Internal Modem Power (convertible)
INT 15,4F - Keyboard Intercept (BIOS date specific)
INT 15,82 - Program Termination
INT 15,85 - System Request Key Pressed
INT 15,86 - Elapsed Time Wait (AT and PS/2)
INT 15,87 - Move Block to/from Extended Memory
INT 15,88 - Extended Memory Size Determination
INT 15,89 - Switch Processor to Protected Mode
INT 15,91 - Interrupt Complete
INT 15,C0 - Return System Configuration Parameters (PS/2 only)
INT 15,C1 - Return Extended BIOS Data Area Segment (PS/2 only)
INT 15,C2 - Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS/2 only)
INT 15,C3 - Enable/Disable Watchdog Timer (PS/2)
INT 15,C4 - Programmable Option Select (PS/2)
INT 16 - Keyboard BIOS Services
For more information, see the following topics:
INT 16,0 - Wait for Keypress and Read Character
INT 16,1 - Get Keyboard Status
INT 16,2 - Read Keyboard Flags
INT 16,3 - Set Keyboard Typematic Rate (AT+)
INT 16,4 - Keyboard Click Adjustment (AT+)
INT 16,5 - Keyboard Buffer Write (AT+)
INT 16,10 - Extended Wait for Keypress and Read Character (AT+)
INT 16,11 - Extended Get Keyboard Status (AT+)
INT 16,12 - Extended Get Keyboard Status (AT+)
INT 17 - Printer BIOS Services
INT 17,1 - Initialize Printer Port
INT 17,2 - Read Printer Port Status
INT 1A - System and Real Time Clock BIOS Services
INT 1A,0 - Read System Clock Counter
INT 1A,1 - Set System Clock Counter
INT 1A,2 - Read Time From Real Time Clock (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,3 - Set Time on Real Time Clock (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,4 - Read Real Time Clock Date (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,5 - Set Real Time Clock Date (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,6 - Set Real Time Clock Alarm (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,7 - Disable Real Time Clock Alarm (XT,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,8 - Set RTC Activated Power On Mode (convertible)
INT 1A,9 - Read RTC Alarm Time and Status (convertible,PS/2)
INT 1A,A - Read System Day Counter (PS/2)
INT 1A,B - Set System Day Counter (PS/2)
INT 1A,80 - Setup Sound Multiplexer (PCjr only)
INT 1B - BIOS Ctrl-Break Handler Address
INT 1C - System Timer Tick (User Routine)
INT 1D - Video Initialization Parameter Table Vector
INT 1E - Disk Initialization Parameter Table Vector
INT 1F - Graphics Display Character Bit Map Table
INT 21 - DOS Function Dispatcher
For more information, see the following topics:
INT 21,1 - Keyboard Input with Echo
INT 21,3 - Wait for Auxiliary Device Input
INT 21,7 - Direct Console Input Without Echo
INT 21,8 - Console Input Without Echo
INT 21,A - Buffered Keyboard Input
INT 21,B - Check Standard Input Status
INT 21,C - Clear Keyboard Buffer and Invoke Keyboard Function
INT 21,F - Open a File Using FCB
INT 21,10 - Close a File Using FCB
INT 21,11 - Search for First Entry Using FCB
INT 21,12 - Search for Next Entry Using FCB
INT 21,13 - Delete File Using FCB
INT 21,14 - Sequential Read Using FCB
INT 21,15 - Sequential Write Using FCB
INT 21,16 - Create a File Using FCB
INT 21,17 - Rename a File Using FCB
INT 21,19 - Get Current Default Drive
INT 21,1A - Set Disk Transfer Address (DTA)
INT 21,1B - Get Allocation Table Information
INT 21,1C - Get Allocation Table Info for Specified Drive
INT 21,1F - Get Pointer to Current Drive Parameter Table (Undocumented)
INT 21,21 - Random Read Using FCB
INT 21,22 - Random Write Using FCB
INT 21,23 - Get File Size Using FCB
INT 21,24 - Set Relative Record Field in FCB
INT 21,25 - Set Interrupt Vector
INT 21,26 - Create New Program Segment Prefix
INT 21,27 - Random Block Read Using FCB
INT 21,28 - Random Block Write Using FCB
INT 21,29 - Parse a Filename for FCB
INT 21,2E - Set/Reset Verify Switch
INT 21,2F - Get Disk Transfer Address (DTA)
INT 21,30 - Get DOS Version Number
INT 21,31 - Terminate Process and Remain Resident
INT 21,32 - Get Pointer to Drive Parameter Table (Undocumented)
INT 21,33 - Get/Set System Values (Ctl-Break/Boot Drive)
INT 21,34 - Get Address to DOS Critical Flag INDOS
INT 21,35 - Get Interrupt Vector
INT 21,36 - Get Disk Free Space
INT 21,37 - Get/Set Switch Character (Undocumented, DOS 2.
INT 21,38 - Get/Set Country Dependent Information
INT 21,39 - Create Subdirectory (mkdir)
INT 21,3A - Remove Subdirectory (rmdir)
INT 21,3B - Change Current Directory (chdir)
INT 21,3C - Create File Using Handle
INT 21,3D - Open File Using Handle
INT 21,3E - Close File Using Handle
INT 21,3F - Read From File or Device Using Handle
INT 21,40 - Write To File or Device Using Handle
INT 21,42 - Move File Pointer Using Handle
INT 21,43 - Get/Set File Attributes
INT 21,44 - I/O Control for Devices (IOCTL)
INT 21,44,0 / IOCTL,0 - Get Device Information
INT 21,44,1 / IOCTL,1 - Set Device Information
INT 21,44,2 / IOCTL,2 - Read From Character Device
INT 21,44,3 / IOCTL,3 - Write to Character Device
INT 21,44,4 / IOCTL,4 - Read from Block Device
INT 21,44,5 / IOCTL,5 - Write to Block Device
INT 21,44,6 / IOCTL,6 - Get Input Status
INT 21,44,7 / IOCTL,7 - Get Output Status
INT 21,44,8 / IOCTL,8 - Device Removable Query
INT 21,44,9 / IOCTL,9 - Device Local or Remote Query
INT 21,44,A / IOCTL,A - Handle Local or Remote Query
INT 21,44,B / IOCTL,B - Set Sharing Retry Count
INT 21,44,C / IOCTL,C - Generic I/O for Handles
INT 21,44,D / IOCTL,D - Generic I/O for Block Devices
INT 21,44,E / IOCTL,E - Get Logical Drive
INT 21,44,F / IOCTL,F - Set Logical Drive
INT 21,45 - Duplicate File Handle
INT 21,46 - Force Duplicate File Handle
INT 21,47 - Get Current Directory
INT 21,49 - Free Allocated Memory
INT 21,4A - Modify Allocated Memory Block (SETBLOCK)
INT 21,4B - EXEC/Load and Execute Program
INT 21,4C - Terminate Process With Return Code
INT 21,4D - Get Return Code of Sub-process
INT 21,4E - Find First Matching File
INT 21,4F - Find Next Matching File
INT 21,50 - Set Current Process ID (Undocumented DOS 2.
INT 21,51 - Get Current Process ID (Undocumented DOS 2.
INT 21,52 - Get Pointer to DOS "INVARS" (Undocumented)
INT 21,53 - Generate Drive Parameter Table (Undocumented)
INT 21,54 - Get Verify Setting
INT 21,55 - Create New PSP (Undocumented)
INT 21,57 - Get/Set File Date and Time Using Handle
INT 21,58 - Get/Set Memory Allocation Strategy (Undocumented, DOS 3.
INT 21,59 - Get Extended Error Information (DOS 3.
INT 21,5A - Create Temporary File (DOS 3.
INT 21,5B - Create File (DOS 3.
INT 21,5C - Lock/Unlock File Access (DOS 3.
INT 21,5D - Critical Error Information (Undocumented, DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=0 Get Machine Name (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=01 Set Machine Name (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=02 Set Printer Setup (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=03 Get Printer Setup (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=04 Set Printer Mode (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=05 Get Printer Mode (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=00 Get Redirection Mode (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=01 Set Redirection Mode (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=02 Get Redirection List Entry (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=03 Redirect Device (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=04 Cancel Device Redirection (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=05 Get Redirection List Extended Entry (DOS 4.
INT 21,5F AL=06 Get Redirection List (DOS 4.
INT 21,60 - Get Fully Qualified File Name (Undocumented 3.
INT 21,62 - Get PSP address (DOS 3.
INT 21,63 - Get Lead Byte Table (MSDOS 2.
INT 21,63 - Get Lead Byte Table (Asian DOS 3.
INT 21,64 - Set Device Driver Look Ahead (Undocumented)
INT 21,65 - Get Extended Country Information (DOS 3.
INT 21,66 - Get/Set Global Code Page (DOS 3.
INT 21,67 - Set Handle Count (DOS 3.
INT 21,68 - Flush Buffer Using Handle
INT 21,69 - Get/Set Disk Serial Number (Undocumented DOS 4+)
INT 21,6C - Extended Open/Create (DOS 4.
INT 21,F8 - Set OEM Int 21 Handler (functions F9-FF, Undocumented)
INT 23 - Control-Break Exit Address
INT 24 - Critical Error Handler
INT 27 - Terminate and Stay Resident
INT 28 - DOS Idle Loop / Scheduler (Undocumented)
INT 29 - DOS Fast Character I/O (Undocumented 2.
INT 2A - DOS Network Critical Section and NETBIOS
INT 2A,0 - Network Installation Query
INT 2A,1 - Execute NETBIOS Request With No Error Retry
INT 2A,3 - Check if Direct I/O Allowed
INT 2A,4 - Execute NETBIOS Request
INT 2A,5 - Get Network Resource Information
INT 2A,6 - Network Print Stream Control
INT 2A,80 - Begin DOS Critical Section
INT 2A,81 - End DOS Critical Section
INT 2A,82 - End DOS Critical Sections 0 thru 7
INT 2A,84 - Keyboard Busy Loop
INT 2E - Execute Command Using Base Level Command Interpreter (Undocumented DOS 2.
INT 2F - DOS Multiplex Interrupt
INT 2F,0 - DOS Multiplex Interrupt - Get Installed State
INT 2F,1 - Multiplex Interrupt - Submit file
INT 2F,2 - Multiplex Interrupt - Cancel file
INT 2F,3 - Multiplex Interrupt - Cancel all files
INT 2F,4 - Multiplex Interrupt - Pause / return status
INT 2F,5 - Multiplex Interrupt - End of Status
INT 2F,2E - Setup Error Code Translation Tables (undoc.
Mouse functions can be broken down into the following classes:
INT 33,0 - Mouse Reset/Get Mouse Installed Flag
INT 33,3 - Get Mouse Position and Button Status
INT 33,4 - Set Mouse Cursor Position
INT 33,5 - Get Mouse Button Press Information
INT 33,6 - Get Mouse Button Release Information
INT 33,7 - Set Mouse Horizontal Min/Max Position
INT 33,8 - Set Mouse Vertical Min/Max Position
INT 33,9 - Set Mouse Graphics Cursor
INT 33,A - Set Mouse Text Cursor
INT 33,B - Read Mouse Motion Counters
INT 33,C - Set Mouse User Defined Subroutine and Input Mask
INT 33,D - Mouse Light Pen Emulation On
INT 33,E - Mouse Light Pen Emulation Off
INT 33,F - Set Mouse Mickey Pixel Ratio
INT 33,10 - Mouse Conditional OFF
INT 33,13 - Set Mouse Double Speed Threshold
INT 33,14 - Swap Interrupt Subroutines
INT 33,15 - Get Mouse Driver State and Memory Requirements
INT 33,16 - Save Mouse Driver State
INT 33,17 - Restore Mouse Driver State
INT 33,18 - Set alternate subroutine call mask and address
INT 33,19 - Get User Alternate Interrupt Address
INT 33,1A - Set Mouse Sensitivity
INT 33,1B - Get Mouse Sensitivity
INT 33,1C - Set Mouse Interrupt Rate (InPort only)
INT 33,1D - Set Mouse CRT Page
INT 33,1E - Get Mouse CRT Page
INT 33,1F - Disable Mouse Driver
INT 33,20 - Enable Mouse Driver
INT 33,21 - Reset Mouse Software
INT 33,22 - Set Language for Messages
INT 33,23 - Get Language Number
INT 33,24 - Get Driver Version, Mouse Type & IRQ Number
INT 4A - RTC Alarm Handler Vector
INT 67 - Expanded Memory Specification
INT 67,40 - Get EMM Status (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,41 - Get Page Frame Base Address (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,42 - Get Page Counts (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,43 - Get Handle and Allocate Pages (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,44 - Map Logical Page Into Physical Page Window (LIM EMS)
INT 67,45 - Release Handle and Memory Pages (LIM EMS)
INT 67,46 - Get EMM Version (LIM EMS)
INT 67,47 - Save Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,48 - Restore Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,49 - Get I/O Port Addresses (LIM EMS ?3.
INT 67,4A - Get Logical to Physical Page Mapping (LIM EMS ?3.
INT 67,4B - Get Handle Count (LIM EMS)
INT 67,4C - Get Page Count for Handle
INT 67,4D - Get Page Count for All Handles (LIM EMS)
INT 67,4E - Get/Set Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,4F - Get/Set Partial Page Map (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,50 - Map/Unmap Multiple Handle Pages (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,51 - Reallocate Pages (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,52 - Get/Set Handle Attributes
INT 67,54 - Get Handle Directory (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,55 - Alter Page Map and Jump (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,56 - Alter Page Map and Call (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,57 - Move/Exchange Memory Region (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,58 - Get Mappable Physical Address Array (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,59 - Get Expanded Memory Hardware Information (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,5A - Allocate Standard/Raw Pages (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,5B - Alternate Map Register Set (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,5C - Prepare Expanded Memory for Warm Boot (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,5D - Enable/Disable OS Functions (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,60 - LIM EMS Get Physical Window Array
INT 70 - Real Time Clock Interrupt (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
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