~INT 21,0~ Program terminate
~INT 21,1~ Keyboard input with echo
~INT 21,2~ Display output
~INT 21,3~ Wait for auxiliary device input
~INT 21,4~ Auxiliary output
~INT 21,5~ Printer output
~INT 21,6~ Direct console I/O
~INT 21,7~ Wait for direct console input without echo
~INT 21,8~ Wait for console input without echo
~INT 21,9~ Print string
~INT 21,A~ Buffered keyboard input
~INT 21,B~ Check standard input status
~INT 21,C~ Clear keyboard buffer, invoke keyboard function
~INT 21,D~ Disk reset
~INT 21,E~ Select disk
~INT 21,F~ Open file using ~FCB~
~INT 21,10~ Close file using FCB
~INT 21,11~ Search for first entry using FCB
~INT 21,12~ Search for next entry using FCB
~INT 21,13~ Delete file using FCB
~INT 21,14~ Sequential read using FCB
~INT 21,15~ Sequential write using FCB
~INT 21,16~ Create a file using FCB
~INT 21,17~ Rename file using FCB
~INT 21,18~ DOS dummy function (CP/M) (not used/listed)
~INT 21,19~ Get current default drive
~INT 21,1A~ Set disk transfer address
~INT 21,1B~ Get allocation table information
~INT 21,1C~ Get allocation table info for specific device
~INT 21,1D~ DOS dummy function (CP/M) (not used/listed)
~INT 21,1E~ DOS dummy function (CP/M) (not used/listed)
~INT 21,1F~ Get pointer to default drive parameter table (undocumented)
~INT 21,20~ DOS dummy function (CP/M) (not used/listed)
~INT 21,21~ Random read using ~FCB~
~INT 21,22~ Random write using FCB
~INT 21,23~ Get file size using FCB
~INT 21,24~ Set relative record field for FCB
~INT 21,25~ Set interrupt vector
~INT 21,26~ Create new program segment
~INT 21,27~ Random block read using FCB
~INT 21,28~ Random block write using FCB
~INT 21,29~ Parse filename for FCB
~INT 21,2A~ Get date
~INT 21,2B~ Set date
~INT 21,2C~ Get time
~INT 21,2D~ Set time
~INT 21,2E~ Set/reset verify switch
~INT 21,2F~ Get disk transfer address
~INT 21,30~ Get DOS version number
~INT 21,31~ Terminate process and remain resident
~INT 21,32~ Get pointer to drive parameter table (undocumented)
~INT 21,33~ Get/set ~Ctrl-Break~ check state & get boot drive
~INT 21,34~ Get address to DOS critical flag (undocumented)
~INT 21,35~ Get vector
~INT 21,36~ Get disk free space
~INT 21,37~ Get/set switch character (undocumented)
~INT 21,38~ Get/set country dependent information
~INT 21,39~ Create subdirectory (mkdir)
~INT 21,3A~ Remove subdirectory (rmdir)
~INT 21,3B~ Change current subdirectory (chdir)
~INT 21,3C~ Create file using handle
~INT 21,3D~ Open file using handle
~INT 21,3E~ Close file using handle
~INT 21,3F~ Read file or device using handle
~INT 21,40~ Write file or device using handle
~INT 21,41~ Delete file
~INT 21,42~ Move file pointer using handle
~INT 21,43~ Change file mode
~INT 21,44~ I/O control for devices (~IOCTL~)
~INT 21,45~ Duplicate file handle
~INT 21,46~ Force duplicate file handle
~INT 21,47~ Get current directory
~INT 21,48~ Allocate memory blocks
~INT 21,49~ Free allocated memory blocks
~INT 21,4A~ Modify allocated memory blocks
~INT 21,4B~ EXEC load and execute program (func 1 undocumented)
~INT 21,4C~ Terminate process with return code
~INT 21,4D~ Get return code of a sub-process
~INT 21,4E~ Find first matching file
~INT 21,4F~ Find next matching file
~INT 21,50~ Set current process id (undocumented)
~INT 21,51~ Get current process id (undocumented)
~INT 21,52~ Get pointer to DOS "INVARS" (undocumented)
~INT 21,53~ Generate drive parameter table (undocumented)
~INT 21,54~ Get verify setting
~INT 21,55~ Create ~PSP~ (undocumented)
~INT 21,56~ Rename file
~INT 21,57~ Get/set file date and time using handle
~INT 21,58~ Get/set memory allocation strategy (3.x+, undocumented)
~INT 21,59~ Get extended error information (3.x+)
~INT 21,5A~ Create temporary file (3.x+)
~INT 21,5B~ Create new file (3.x+)
~INT 21,5C~ Lock/unlock file access (3.x+)
~INT 21,5D~ Critical error information (undocumented 3.x+)
~INT 21,5E~ Network services (3.1+)
~INT 21,5F~ Network redirection (3.1+)
~INT 21,60~ Get fully qualified file name (undocumented 3.x+)
~INT 21,62~ Get address of program segment prefix (3.x+)
~INT 21,63~ Get system lead byte table (MSDOS 2.25 only)
~INT 21,64~ Set device driver look ahead (undocumented 3.3+)
~INT 21,65~ Get extended country information (3.3+)
~INT 21,66~ Get/set global code page (3.3+)
~INT 21,67~ Set handle count (3.3+)
~INT 21,68~ Flush buffer (3.3+)
~INT 21,69~ Get/set disk serial number (undocumented DOS 4.0+)
~INT 21,6A~ DOS reserved (DOS 4.0+)
~INT 21,6B~ DOS reserved
~INT 21,6C~ Extended open/create (4.x+)
~INT 21,F8~ Set OEM INT 21 handler (functions F9-FF) (undocumented)
- int 21 functions are called with the function number in AH
- register AX may be altered, its contents are not guaranteed
- if an error occurs, CF is set to 1 and AX contains a simple
error code; ~INT 21,59~ can be used to determine cause.
- most INT 21 functions do not restore the flags to pre-interrupt
state to allow returning of information via the flags register
Zurück zum Interrupt Info. | Roger Morgan / 1998 | L.Änderung 29.03.99 |