INT 21,48 - Allocate Memory

AH = 48h

BX = number of memory paragraphs requested

on return:

AX = segment address of allocated memory block (MCB + 1para)

= error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~)

BX = size in paras of the largest block of memory available

if CF set, and AX = 08 (Not Enough Mem)

CF = 0 if successful

= 1 if error

- returns segment address of allocated memory block AX:0000

- each allocation requires a 16 byte overhead for the ~MCB~

- returns maximum block size available if error

- see ~INT 21,49~, ~INT 21,4A~

Zurück zum Interrupt Info. Roger Morgan / 1998 L.Änderung 29.03.99