INT 2F,8 - DRIVER.SYS Support (Undocumented DOS 3.2+)

AH = 08

AL = 00 installation check

= 01 add new block device

= 02 execute device driver request

= 03 get drive data table list (DOS 4.0+)

DS:DI = pointer to drive data table (AL=01)

ES:BX = pointer to device driver request header (AL=02)

on return:

AL = 00 not installed, ok to install (AL=00)

= 01 not installed, do NOT install (AL=00)

= FF installed (AL=00)

ES:BX = updated device request header (AL=02)

- function 01 scans DOS's drive data tables and appends the new

data table to to the chain. All tables referencing the same

physical drive are updated

Zurück zum Interrupt Info. Roger Morgan / 1998 L.Änderung 29.03.99