The power of 80386 string operations derives from the following features of the architecture:
The primitive string operations operate on one element of a string. A string element may be a byte, a word, or a doubleword. The string elements are addressed by the registers ESI and EDI. After every primitive operation ESI and/or EDI are automatically updated to point to the next element of the string. If the direction flag is zero, the index registers are incremented; if one, they are decremented. The amount of the increment or decrement is 1, 2, or 4 depending on the size of the string element.
When a primitive string operation has a repeat prefix, the operation is executed repeatedly, each time using a different element of the string. The repetition terminates when one of the conditions specified by the prefix is satisfied.
At each repetition of the primitive instruction, the string operation may be suspended temporarily in order to handle an exception or external interrupt. After the interruption, the string operation can be restarted again where it left off. This method of handling strings allows operations on strings of arbitrary length, without affecting interrupt response.
All three prefixes causes the hardware to automatically repeat the associated string primitive until ECX=0. The differences among the repeat prefixes have to do with the second termination condition. REPE/REPZ and REPNE/REPNZ are used exclusively with the SCAS (Scan String) and CMPS (Compare String) primitives. When these prefixes are used, repetition of the next instruction depends on the zero flag (ZF) as well as the ECX register. ZF does not require initialization before execution of a repeated string instruction, because both SCAS and CMPS set ZF according to the results of the comparisons they make. The differences are summarized in the accompanying table.
Prefix Termination Termination Condition 1 Condition 2 REP ECX = 0 (none) REPE/REPZ ECX = 0 ZF = 0 REPNE/REPNZ ECX = 0 ZF = 1
This use of ESI and DSI has led to the descriptive names source index and destination index for the ESI and EDI registers, respectively. In all cases other than string instructions, however, the ESI and EDI registers may be used as general-purpose registers.
When ESI and EDI are used in string primitives, they are automatically incremented or decremented after to operation. The direction flag determines whether they are incremented or decremented. The instruction CLD puts zero in DF, causing the index registers to be incremented; the instruction STD puts one in DF, causing the index registers to be decremented. Programmers should always put a known value in DF before using string instructions in a procedure.
The MOVS instruction, when accompanied by the REP prefix, operates as a memory-to-memory block transfer. To set up for this operation, the program must initialize ECX and the register pairs ESI and EDI. ECX specifies the number of bytes, words, or doublewords in the block.
If DF=0, the program must point ESI to the first element of the source string and point EDI to the destination address for the first element. If DF=1, the program must point these two registers to the last element of the source string and to the destination address for the last element, respectively.
CMPS (Compare Strings) subtracts the destination string element (at ES:EDI) from the source string element (at ESI) and updates the flags AF, SF, PF, CF and OF. If the string elements are equal, ZF=1; otherwise, ZF=0. If DF=0, the processor increments the memory pointers (ESI and EDI) for the two strings. CMPSB compares bytes, MOVSW compares words, and MOVSD compares doublewords. The segment register used for the source address can be changed with a segment override prefix while the destination segment register cannot be overridden.
SCAS (Scan String) subtracts the destination string element at ES:EDI from EAX, AX, or AL and updates the flags AF, SF, ZF, PF, CF and OF. If the values are equal, ZF=1; otherwise, ZF=0. If DF=0, the processor increments the memory pointer (EDI) for the string. SCASB scans bytes; SCASW scans words; SCASD scans doublewords. The destination segment register (ES) cannot be overridden.
When either the REPE or REPNE prefix modifies either the SCAS or CMPS primitives, the processor compares the value of the current string element with the value in EAX for doubleword elements, in AX for word elements, or in AL for byte elements. Termination of the repeated operation depends on the resulting state of ZF as well as on the value in ECX.
LODS (Load String) places the source string element at ESI into EAX for doubleword strings, into AX for word strings, or into AL for byte strings. LODS increments or decrements ESI according to DF.
STOS (Store String) places the source string element from EAX, AX, or AL into the string at ES:DSI. STOS increments or decrements EDI according to DF.
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