Opcode Instruction Clocks Description F3 6C REP INS r/m8, DX 13+6*(E)CX, pm=7+6*(E)CX If CPL <= IOPL/ 27+6*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Input (E)CX bytes from port DX into ES:[(E)DI] F3 6D REP INS r/m16,DX 13+6*(E)CX, pm=7+6*(E)CX If CPL <= IOPL/ 27+6*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Input (E)CX words from port DX into ES:[(E)DI] F3 6D REP INS r/m32,DX 13+6*(E)CX, pm=7+6*(E)CX If CPL <= IOPL/ 27+6*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Input (E)CX dwords from port DX into ES:[(E)DI] F3 A4 REP MOVS m8,m8 5+4*(E)CX Move (E)CX bytes from [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI] F3 A5 REP MOVS m16,m16 5+4*(E)CX Move (E)CX words from [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI] F3 A5 REP MOVS m32,m32 5+4*(E)CX Move (E)CX dwords from [(E)SI] to ES:[(E)DI] F3 6E REP OUTS DX,r/m8 5+12*(E)CX, pm=6+5*(E)CX If CPL <= IOPL/ 26+5*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Output (E)CX bytes from [(E)SI] to port DX F3 6F REP OUTS DX,r/m16 5+12*(E)CX, pm=6+5*(E)CX If CPL <= IOPL/ 26+5*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Output (E)CX words from [(E)SI] to port DX F3 6F REP OUTS DX,r/m32 5+12*(E)CX, pm=6+5*(E)CX If CPL <= IOPL/ 26+5*(E)CX If CPL > IOPL or if in virtual 8086 mode Output (E)CX dwords from [(E)SI] to port DX F3 AA REP STOS m8 5+5*(E)CX Fill (E)CX bytes at ES:[(E)DI] with AL F3 AB REP STOS m16 5+5*(E)CX Fill (E)CX words at ES:[(E)DI] with AX F3 AB REP STOS m32 5+5*(E)CX Fill (E)CX dwords at ES:[(E)DI] with EAX F3 A6 REPE CMPS m8,m8 5+9*N Find nonmatching bytes in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F3 A7 REPE CMPS m16,m16 5+9*N Find nonmatching words in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F3 A7 REPE CMPS m32,m32 5+9*N Find nonmatching dwords in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F3 AE REPE SCAS m8 5+8*N Find non-AL byte starting at ES:[(E)DI] F3 AF REPE SCAS m16 5+8*N Find non-AX word starting at ES:[(E)DI] F3 AF REPE SCAS m32 5+8*N Find non-EAX dword starting at ES:[(E)DI] F2 A6 REPNE CMPS m8,m8 5+9*N Find matching bytes in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F2 A7 REPNE CMPS m16,m16 5+9*N Find matching words in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F2 A7 REPNE CMPS m32,m32 5+9*N Find matching dwords in ES:[(E)DI] and [(E)SI] F2 AE REPNE SCAS m8 5+8*N Find AL, starting at ES:[(E)DI] F2 AF REPNE SCAS m16 5+8*N Find AX, starting at ES:[(E)DI] F2 AF REPNE SCAS m32 5+8*N Find EAX, starting at ES:[(E)DI]
IF AddressSize = 16 THEN use CX for CountReg; ELSE (* AddressSize = 32 *) use ECX for CountReg; FI; WHILE CountReg <> 0 DO service pending interrupts (if any); perform primitive string instruction; CountReg := CountReg - 1; IF primitive operation is CMPB, CMPW, SCAB, or SCAW THEN IF (instruction is REP/REPE/REPZ) AND (ZF=1) THEN exit WHILE loop ELSE IF (instruction is REPNZ or REPNE) AND (ZF=0) THEN exit WHILE loop; FI; FI; FI; OD;
Synonymous forms of REPE and REPNE are REPZ and REPNZ, respectively.
The REP prefixes apply only to one string instruction at a time. To repeat a block of instructions, use the LOOP instruction or another looping construct.
The precise action for each iteration is as follows:
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