NOT (Not) inverts the bits in the specified operand to form a one's complement of the operand. The NOT instruction is a unary operation that uses a single operand in a register or memory. NOT has no effect on the flags.
The AND, OR, and XOR instructions perform the standard logical operations "and", "(inclusive) or", and "exclusive or". These instructions can use the following combinations of operands:
These instructions first assign the value of the selected bit to CF, the carry flag. Then a new value is assigned to the selected bit, as determined by the operation. OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF are left in an undefined state. Table 3-1 defines these instructions.
Table 3-1. Bit Test and Modify Instructions Instruction Effect on CF Effect on Selected Bit Bit (Bit Test) CF := BIT (none) BTS (Bit Test and Set) CF := BIT BIT := 1 BTR (Bit Test and Reset) CF := BIT BIT := 0 BTC (Bit Test and Complement) CF := BIT BIT := NOT(BIT)
BSF (Bit Scan Forward) scans from low-order to high-order (starting from bit index zero).
BSR (Bit Scan Reverse) scans from high-order to low-order (starting from bit index 15 of a word or index 31 of a doubleword).
These instructions fall into the following classes:
A shift instruction can specify the count in one of three ways. One form of shift instruction implicitly specifies the count as a single shift. The second form specifies the count as an immediate value. The third form specifies the count as the value contained in CL. This last form allows the shift count to be a variable that the program supplies during execution. Only the low order 5 bits of CL are used.
CF always contains the value of the last bit shifted out of the destination operand. In a single-bit shift, OF is set if the value of the high-order (sign) bit was changed by the operation. Otherwise, OF is cleared. Following a multibit shift, however, the content of OF is always undefined.
The shift instructions provide a convenient way to accomplish division or multiplication by binary power. Note however that division of signed numbers by shifting right is not the same kind of division performed by the IDIV instruction.
SAL (Shift Arithmetic Left) shifts the destination byte, word, or doubleword operand left by one or by the number of bits specified in the count operand (an immediate value or the value contained in CL). The processor shifts zeros in from the right (low-order) side of the operand as bits exit from the left (high-order) side. See Figure 3-6.
SHL (Shift Logical Left) is a synonym for SAL (refer to SAL).
SHR (Shift Logical Right) shifts the destination byte, word, or doubleword operand right by one or by the number of bits specified in the count operand (an immediate value or the value contained in CL). The processor shifts zeros in from the left side of the operand as bits exit from the right side. See Figure 3-7.
SAR (Shift Arithmetic Right) shifts the destination byte, word, or doubleword operand to the right by one or by the number of bits specified in the count operand (an immediate value or the value contained in CL). The processor preserves the sign of the operand by shifting in zeros on the left (high-order) side if the value is positive or by shifting by ones if the value is negative. See Figure 3-8.
Even though this instruction can be used to divide integers by a power of two, the type of division is not the same as that produced by the IDIV instruction. The quotient of IDIV is rounded toward zero, whereas the "quotient" of SAR is rounded toward negative infinity. This difference is apparent only for negative numbers. For example, when IDIV is used to divide -9 by 4, the result is -2 with a remainder of -1. If SAR is used to shift -9 right by two bits, the result is -3. The "remainder" of this kind of division is +3; however, the SAR instruction stores only the high-order bit of the remainder (in CF).
The code sequence in Figure 3-9 produces the same result as IDIV for any M = 2^(N), where 0 < N < 32. This sequence takes about 12 to 18 clocks, depending on whether the jump is taken; if ECX contains M, the corresponding IDIV ECX instruction will take about 43 clocks.
Bits are shifted from the register operand into the memory or register operand. CF is set to the value of the last bit shifted out of the destination operand. SF, ZF, and PF are set according to the value of the result. OF and AF are left undefined.
SHLD (Shift Left Double) shifts bits of the R/M field to the left, while shifting high-order bits from the Reg field into the R/M field on the right (see Figure 3-10). The result is stored back into the R/M operand. The Reg field is not modified.
SHRD (Shift Right Double) shifts bits of the R/M field to the right, while shifting low-order bits from the Reg field into the R/M field on the left (see Figure 3-11). The result is stored back into the R/M operand. The Reg field is not modified.
Rotates affect only the carry and overflow flags. CF may act as an extension of the operand in two of the rotate instructions, allowing a bit to be isolated and then tested by a conditional jump instruction (JC or JNC). CF always contains the value of the last bit rotated out, even if the instruction does not use this bit as an extension of the rotated operand.
In single-bit rotates, OF is set if the operation changes the high-order (sign) bit of the destination operand. If the sign bit retains its original value, OF is cleared. On multibit rotates, the value of OF is always undefined.
ROL (Rotate Left) rotates the byte, word, or doubleword destination operand left by one or by the number of bits specified in the count operand (an immediate value or the value contained in CL). For each rotation specified, the high-order bit that exits from the left of the operand returns at the right to become the new low-order bit of the operand. See Figure 3-12.
ROR (Rotate Right) rotates the byte, word, or doubleword destination operand right by one or by the number of bits specified in the count operand (an immediate value or the value contained in CL). For each rotation specified, the low-order bit that exits from the right of the operand returns at the left to become the new high-order bit of the operand. See Figure 3-13.
RCL (Rotate Through Carry Left) rotates bits in the byte, word, or doubleword destination operand left by one or by the number of bits specified in the count operand (an immediate value or the value contained in CL).
This instruction differs from ROL in that it treats CF as a high-order one-bit extension of the destination operand. Each high-order bit that exits from the left side of the operand moves to CF before it returns to the operand as the low-order bit on the next rotation cycle. See Figure 3-14 .
RCR (Rotate Through Carry Right) rotates bits in the byte, word, or doubleword destination operand right by one or by the number of bits specified in the count operand (an immediate value or the value contained in CL).
This instruction differs from ROR in that it treats CF as a low-order one-bit extension of the destination operand. Each low-order bit that exits from the right side of the operand moves to CF before it returns to the operand as the high-order bit on the next rotation cycle. See Figure 3-15 .
SETcc (Set Byte on Condition cc) set a byte to one if condition cc is true; sets the byte to zero otherwise. Refer to Appendix D for a definition of the possible conditions.
The difference between TEST and AND is that TEST does not alter the destination operand. TEST differs from BT in that TEST is useful for testing the value of multiple bits in one operations, whereas BT tests a single bit.
up: Chapter 3 -- Applications Instruction Set Double-Shift Instructions
These instructions provide the basic operations needed to implement operations on long unaligned bit strings. The double shifts operate either on word or doubleword operands, as follows:
Of the two input operands, one may either be in a general register or in memory, while the other may only be in a general register. The results replace the memory or register operand. The number of bits to be shifted is specified either in the CL register or in an immediate byte of the instruction. Rotate Instructions
Rotate instructions allow bits in bytes, words, and doublewords to be rotated. Bits rotated out of an operand are not lost as in a shift, but are "circled" back into the other "end" of the operand. Fast "BIT BLT" Using Double Shift Instructions
One purpose of the double shifts is to implement a bit string move, with arbitrary misalignment of the bit strings. This is called a "bit blt" (BIT BLock Transfer.) A simple example is to move a bit string from an arbitrary offset into a doubleword-aligned byte string. A left-to-right string is moved 32 bits at a time if a double shift is used inside the move loop.
MOV EDI,DestAddr
MOV CL,RelOffset ; relative offset Dest-Src
MOV EDX,[ESI] ; load first word of source
ADD ESI,4 ; bump source address
LODS ; new low order part
SHLD EDX,EAX,CL ; EDX overwritten with aligned stuff
XCHG EDX,EAS ; Swap high/low order parts
STOS ; Write out next aligned chunk
JA BltLoop
This loop is simple yet allows the data to be moved in 32-bit pieces for the highest possible performance. Without a double shift, the best that can be achieved is 16 bits per loop iteration by using a 32-bit shift and replacing the XCHG with a ROR by 16 to swap high and low order parts of registers. A more general loop than shown above would require some extra masking on the first doubleword moved (before the main loop), and on the last doubleword moved (after the main loop), but would have the same basic 32-bits per loop iteration as the code above. Fast Bit-String Insert and Extract
The double shift instructions also enable:
The following coded examples illustrate bit insertion and extraction under variousconditions:
; Insert a right-justified bit string from register into
; memory bit string.
; Assumptions:
; 1) The base of the string array is dword aligned, and
; 2) the length of the bit string is an immediate value
; but the bit offset is held in a register.
; Register ESI holds the right-justified bit string
; to be inserted.
; Register EDI holds the bit offset of the start of the
; substring.
; Registers EAX and ECX are also used by this
; "insert" operation.
MOV ECX,EDI ; preserve original offset for later use
SHR EDI,3 ; signed divide offset by 8 (byte address)
AND CL,7H ; isolate low three bits of offset in CL
MOV EAX,[EDI]strg_base ; move string dword into EAX
ROR EAX,CL ; right justify old bit field
SHRD EAX,ESI,length ; bring in new bits
ROL EAX,length ; right justify new bit field
ROL EAX,CL ; bring to final position
MOV [EDI]strg_base,EAX ; replace dword in memory
; Insert a right-justified bit string from register into
; memory bit string.
; Assumptions:
; 1) The base of the string array is dword aligned, and
; 2) the length of the bit string is an immediate value
; but the bit offset is held in a register.
; Register ESI holds the right-justified bit string
; to be inserted.
; Register EDI holds the bit offset of the start of the
; substring.
; Registers EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDI are also used by
; this "insert" operation.
MOV ECX,EDI ; temp storage for offset
SHR EDI,5 ; signed divide offset by 32 (dword address)
SHL EDI,2 ; multiply by 4 (in byte address format)
AND CL,1FH ; isolate low five bits of offset in CL
MOV EAX,[EDI]strg_base ; move low string dword into EAX
MOV EDX,[EDI]strg_base+4 ; other string dword into EDX
MOV EBX,EAX ; temp storage for part of string + rotate
SHRD EAX,EDX,CL ; double shift by offset within dword + EDX:EAX
SHRD EAX,EBX,CL ; double shift by offset within dword + right
SHRD EAX,ESI,length ; bring in new bits
ROL EAX,length ; right justify new bit field
MOV EBX,EAX ; temp storage for part of string + rotate
SHLD EAX,EDX,CL ; double shift back by offset within word + EDX:EAX
SHLD EDX,EBX,CL ; double shift back by offset within word + left
MOV [EDI]strg_base,EAX ; replace dword in memory
MOV [EDI]strg_base+4,EDX ; replace dword in memory
; Insert right-justified bit string from register into
; memory bit string.
; Assumptions:
; 1) The base of the string array is dword aligned, and
; 2) the length of the bit string is 32
; but the bit offset is held in a register.
; Register ESI holds the 32-bit string to be inserted.
; Register EDI holds the bit offset of the start of the
; substring.
; Registers EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDI are also used by
; this "insert" operation.
MOV EDX,EDI ; preserve original offset for later use
SHR EDI,5 ; signed divide offset by 32 (dword address)
SHL EDI,2 ; multiply by 4 (in byte address format)
AND CL,1FH ; isolate low five bits of offset in CL
MOV EAX,[EDI]strg_base ; move low string dword into EAX
MOV EDX,[EDI]strg_base+4 ; other string dword into EDX
MOV EBX,EAX ; temp storage for part of string + rotate
SHRD EAX,EDX ; double shift by offset within dword + EDX:EAX
SHRD EDX,EBX ; double shift by offset within dword + right
MOV EAX,ESI ; move 32-bit bit field into position
MOV EBX,EAX ; temp storage for part of string + rotate
SHLD EAX,EDX ; double shift back by offset within word + EDX:EAX
SHLD EDX,EBX ; double shift back by offset within word + left
MOV [EDI]strg_base,EAX ; replace dword in memory
MOV [EDI]strg_base,+4,EDX ; replace dword in memory
; Extract a right-justified bit string from memory bit
; string into register
; Assumptions:
; 1) The base of the string array is dword aligned, and
; 2) the length of the bit string is an immediate value
; but the bit offset is held in a register.
; Register EAX holds the right-justified, zero-padded
; bit string that was extracted.
; Register EDI holds the bit offset of the start of the
; substring.
; Registers EDI, and ECX are also used by this "extract."
MOV ECX,EDI ; temp storage for offset
SHR EDI,3 ; signed divide offset by 8 (byte address)
AND CL,7H ; isolate low three bits of offset
MOV EAX,[EDI]strg_base ; move string dword into EAX
SHR EAX,CL ; shift by offset within dword
AND EAX,mask ; extracted bit field in EAX
; Extract a right-justified bit string from memory bit
; string into register.
; Assumptions:
; 1) The base of the string array is dword aligned, and
; 2) the length of the bit string is an immediate
; value but the bit offset is held in a register.
; Register EAX holds the right-justified, zero-padded
; bit string that was extracted.
; Register EDI holds the bit offset of the start of the
; substring.
; Registers EAX, EBX, and ECX are also used by this "extract."
MOV ECX,EDI ; temp storage for offset
SHR EDI,5 ; signed divide offset by 32 (dword address)
SHL EDI,2 ; multiply by 4 (in byte address format)
AND CL,1FH ; isolate low five bits of offset in CL
MOV EAX,[EDI]strg_base ; move low string dword into EAX
MOV EDX,[EDI]strg_base+4 ; other string dword into EDX
SHRD EAX,EDX,CL ; double shift right by offset within dword
AND EAX,mask ; extracted bit field in EAX
3.4.5 Byte-Set-On-Condition Instructions
This group of instructions sets a byte to zero or one depending on any of the 16 conditions defined by the status flags. The byte may be in memory or may be a one-byte general register. These instructions are especially useful for implementing Boolean expressions in high-level languages such as Pascal.
3.4.6 Test Instruction
TEST (Test) performs the logical "and" of the two operands, clears OF and CF, leaves AF undefined, and updates SF, ZF, and PF. The flags can be tested by conditional control transfer instructions or by the byte-set-on-condition instructions. The operands may be doublewords, words, or bytes.
prev: 3.3 Decimal Arithmetic Instructions
next: 3.5 Control Transfer Instructions