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EAX = function number (see #02586) EDX = address of parameter block
???(Table 02586) Values for Windows NT NTOS function number: 000h AcceptConnectPort (24 bytes of parameters) 001h AccessCheck (32 bytes of parameters) 002h AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm (44 bytes of parameters) 003h AddAtom (8 bytes of parameters) 004h AdjustGroupsToken (24 bytes of parameters) 005h AdjustPrivilegesToken (24 bytes of parameters) 006h AlertResumeThread (8 bytes of parameters) 007h AlertThread (4 bytes of parameters) 008h AllocateLocallyUniqueId (4 bytes of parameters) 009h AllocateUuids (12 bytes of parameters) 00Ah AllocateVirtualMemory (24 bytes of parameters) 00Bh CallbackReturn (12 bytes of parameters) 00Ch CancelIoFile (8 bytes of parameters) 00Dh CancelTimer (8 bytes of parameters) 00Eh ClearEvent (4 bytes of parameters) 00Fh Close (4 bytes of parameters) 010h CloseObjectAuditAlarm (12 bytes of parameters) 011h CompleteConnectPort (4 bytes of parameters) 012h ConnectPort (32 bytes of parameters) 013h Continue (8 bytes of parameters) 014h CreateDirectoryObject (12 bytes of parameters) 015h CreateEvent (20 bytes of parameters) 016h CreateEventPair (12 bytes of parameters) 017h CreateFile (44 bytes of parameters) 018h CreateIoCompletion (16 bytes of parameters) 019h CreateKey (28 bytes of parameters) 01Ah CreateMailslotFile (32 bytes of parameters) 01Bh CreateMutant (16 bytes of parameters) 01Ch CreateNamedPipeFile (56 bytes of parameters) 01Dh CreatePagingFile (16 bytes of parameters) 01Eh CreatePort (20 bytes of parameters) 01Fh CreateProcess (32 bytes of parameters) 020h CreateProfile (36 bytes of parameters) 021h CreateSection (28 bytes of parameters) 022h CreateSemaphore (20 bytes of parameters) 023h CreateSymbolicLinkObject (16 bytes of parameters) 024h CreateThread (32 bytes of parameters) 025h CreateTimer (16 bytes of parameters) 026h CreateToken (52 bytes of parameters) 027h DelayExecution (8 bytes of parameters) 028h DeleteAtom (4 bytes of parameters) 029h DeleteFile (4 bytes of parameters) 02Ah DeleteKey (4 bytes of parameters) 02Bh DeleteObjectAuditAlarm (12 bytes of parameters) 02Ch DeleteValueKey (8 bytes of parameters) 02Dh DeviceIoControlFile (40 bytes of parameters) 02Eh DisplayString (4 bytes of parameters) 02Fh DuplicateObject (28 bytes of parameters) 030h DuplicateToken (24 bytes of parameters) 031h EnumerateKey (24 bytes of parameters) 032h EnumerateValueKey (24 bytes of parameters) 033h ExtendSection (8 bytes of parameters) 034h FindAtom (8 bytes of parameters) 035h FlushBuffersFile (8 bytes of parameters) 036h FlushInstructionCache (12 bytes of parameters) 037h FlushKey (4 bytes of parameters) 038h FlushVirtualMemory (16 bytes of parameters) 039h FlushWriteBuffer (no parameters) 03Ah FreeVirtualMemory (16 bytes of parameters) 03Bh FsControlFile (40 bytes of parameters) 03Ch GetContextThread (8 bytes of parameters) 03Dh GetPlugPlayEvent (16 bytes of parameters) 03Eh GetTickCount (no parameters) 03Fh ImpersonateClientOfPort (8 bytes of parameters) 040h ImpersonateThread (12 bytes of parameters) 041h InitializeRegistry (4 bytes of parameters) 042h ListenPort (8 bytes of parameters) 043h LoadDriver (4 bytes of parameters) 044h LoadKey (8 bytes of parameters) 045h LoadKey2 (12 bytes of parameters) 046h LockFile (40 bytes of parameters) 047h LockVirtualMemory (16 bytes of parameters) 048h MakeTemporaryObject (4 bytes of parameters) 049h MapViewOfSection (40 bytes of parameters) 04Ah NotifyChangeDirectoryFile (36 bytes of parameters) 04Bh NotifyChangeKey (40 bytes of parameters) 04Ch OpenDirectoryObject (12 bytes of parameters) 04Dh OpenEvent (12 bytes of parameters) 04Eh OpenEventPair (12 bytes of parameters) 04Fh OpenFile (24 bytes of parameters) 050h OpenIoCompletion (12 bytes of parameters) 051h OpenKey (12 bytes of parameters) 052h OpenMutant (12 bytes of parameters) 053h OpenObjectAuditAlarm (48 bytes of parameters) 054h OpenProcess (16 bytes of parameters) 055h OpenProcessToken (12 bytes of parameters) 056h OpenSection (12 bytes of parameters) 057h OpenSemaphore (12 bytes of parameters) 058h OpenSymbolicLinkObject (12 bytes of parameters) 059h OpenThread (16 bytes of parameters) 05Ah OpenThreadToken (16 bytes of parameters) 05Bh OpenTimer (12 bytes of parameters) 05Ch PlugPlayControl (16 bytes of parameters) 05Dh PrivilegeCheck (12 bytes of parameters) 05Eh PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm (20 bytes of parameters) 05Fh PrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm (24 bytes of parameters) 060h ProtectVirtualMemory (20 bytes of parameters) 061h PulseEvent (8 bytes of parameters) 062h QueryInformationAtom (20 bytes of parameters) 063h QueryAttributesFile (8 bytes of parameters) 064h QueryDefaultLocale (8 bytes of parameters) 065h QueryDirectoryFile (44 bytes of parameters) 066h QueryDirectoryObject (28 bytes of parameters) 067h QueryEaFile (36 bytes of parameters) 068h QueryEvent (20 bytes of parameters) 069h QueryFullAttributesFile (8 bytes of parameters) 06Ah QueryInformationFile (20 bytes of parameters) 06Bh QueryIoCompletion (20 bytes of parameters) 06Ch QueryInformationPort (20 bytes of parameters) 06Dh QueryInformationProcess (20 bytes of parameters) 06Eh QueryInformationThread (20 bytes of parameters) 06Fh QueryInformationToken (20 bytes of parameters) 070h QueryIntervalProfile (8 bytes of parameters) 071h QueryKey (20 bytes of parameters) 072h QueryMultipleValueKey (24 bytes of parameters) 073h QueryMutant (20 bytes of parameters) 074h QueryObject (20 bytes of parameters) 075h QueryOleDirectoryFile (44 bytes of parameters) 076h QueryPerformanceCounter (8 bytes of parameters) 077h QuerySection (20 bytes of parameters) 078h QuerySecurityObject (20 bytes of parameters) 079h QuerySemaphore (20 bytes of parameters) 07Ah QuerySymbolicLinkObject (12 bytes of parameters) 07Bh QuerySystemEnvironmentValue (16 bytes of parameters) 07Ch QuerySystemInformation (16 bytes of parameters) 07Dh QuerySystemTime (4 bytes of parameters) 07Eh QueryTimer (20 bytes of parameters) 07Fh QueryTimerResolution (12 bytes of parameters) 080h QueryValueKey (24 bytes of parameters) 081h QueryVirtualMemory (24 bytes of parameters) 082h QueryVolumeInformationFile (20 bytes of parameters) 083h QueueApcThread (20 bytes of parameters) 084h RaiseException (12 bytes of parameters) 085h RaiseHardError (24 bytes of parameters) 086h ReadFile (36 bytes of parameters) 087h ReadFileScatter (36 bytes of parameters) 088h ReadRequestData (24 bytes of parameters) 089h ReadVirtualMemory (20 bytes of parameters) 08Ah RegisterThreadTerminatePort (4 bytes of parameters) 08Bh ReleaseMutant (8 bytes of parameters) 08Ch ReleaseSemaphore (12 bytes of parameters) 08Dh RemoveIoCompletion (20 bytes of parameters) 08Eh ReplaceKey (12 bytes of parameters) 08Fh ReplyPort (8 bytes of parameters) 090h ReplyWaitReceivePort (16 bytes of parameters) 091h ReplyWaitReplyPort (8 bytes of parameters) 092h RequestPort (8 bytes of parameters) 093h RequestWaitReplyPort (12 bytes of parameters) 094h ResetEvent (8 bytes of parameters) 095h RestoreKey (12 bytes of parameters) 096h ResumeThread (8 bytes of parameters) 097h SaveKey (8 bytes of parameters) 098h SetIoCompletion (20 bytes of parameters) 099h SetContextThread (8 bytes of parameters) 09Ah SetDefaultHardErrorPort (4 bytes of parameters) 09Bh SetDefaultLocale (8 bytes of parameters) 09Ch SetEaFile (16 bytes of parameters) 09Dh SetEvent (8 bytes of parameters) 09Eh SetHighEventPair (4 bytes of parameters) 09Fh SetHighWaitLowEventPair (4 bytes of parameters) 0A0h ??? (??? bytes of parameters) 0A1h SetInformationFile (20 bytes of parameters) 0A2h SetInformationKey (16 bytes of parameters) 0A3h SetInformationObject (16 bytes of parameters) 0A4h SetInformationProcess (16 bytes of parameters) 0A5h SetInformationThread (16 bytes of parameters) 0A6h SetInformationToken (16 bytes of parameters) 0A7h SetIntervalProfile (8 bytes of parameters) 0A8h SetLdtEntries (24 bytes of parameters) 0A9h SetLowEventPair (4 bytes of parameters) 0AAh SetLowWaitHighEventPair (4 bytes of parameters) 0ABh ??? (??? bytes of parameters) 0ACh SetSecurityObject (12 bytes of parameters) 0ADh SetSystemEnvironmentValue (8 bytes of parameters) 0AEh SetSystemInformation (12 bytes of parameters) 0AFh SetSystemPowerState (12 bytes of parameters) 0B0h SetSystemTime (8 bytes of parameters) 0B1h SetTimer (28 bytes of parameters) 0B2h SetTimerResolution (12 bytes of parameters) 0B3h SetValueKey (24 bytes of parameters) 0B4h SetVolumeInformationFile (20 bytes of parameters) 0B5h ShutdownSystem (4 bytes of parameters) 0B6h SignalAndWaitForSingleObject (16 bytes of parameters) 0B7h StartProfile (4 bytes of parameters) 0B8h StopProfile (4 bytes of parameters) 0B9h SuspendThread (8 bytes of parameters) 0BAh SystemDebugControl (24 bytes of parameters) 0BBh TerminateProcess (8 bytes of parameters) 0BCh TerminateThread (8 bytes of parameters) 0BDh TestAlert (no parameters) 0BEh UnloadDriver (4 bytes of parameters) 0BFh UnloadKey (4 bytes of parameters) 0C0h UnlockFile (20 bytes of parameters) 0C1h UnlockVirtualMemory (16 bytes of parameters) 0C2h UnmapViewOfSection (8 bytes of parameters) 0C3h VdmControl (8 bytes of parameters) 0C4h WaitForMultipleObjects (20 bytes of parameters) 0C5h WaitForSingleObject (12 bytes of parameters) 0C6h WaitHighEventPair (4 bytes of parameters) 0C7h WaitLowEventPair (4 bytes of parameters) 0C8h WriteFile (36 bytes of parameters) 0C9h WriteFileGather (36 bytes of parameters) 0CAh WriteRequestData (24 bytes of parameters) 0CBh WriteVirtualMemory (20 bytes of parameters) 0CCh W32Call (20 bytes of parameters) 0CDh CreateChannel (8 bytes of parameters) 0CEh ListenChannel (8 bytes of parameters) 0CFh OpenChannel (8 bytes of parameters) 0D0h ReplyWaitSendChannel (12 bytes of parameters) 0D1h SendWaitReplyChannel (16 bytes of parameters) 0D2h SetContextChannel (4 bytes of parameters) 0D3h YieldExecution (no parameters)
Category: Other Operating Systems - Int 2Eh - W
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