Opcode Instruction Clocks Description 0F 03 /r LSL r16,r/m16 pm=20/21 Load: r16 := segment limit, selector r/m16 (byte granular) 0F 03 /r LSL r32,r/m32 pm=20/21 Load: r32 := segment limit, selector r/m32 (byte granular) 0F 03 /r LSL r16,r/m16 pm=25/26 Load: r16 := segment limit, selector r/m16 (page granular) 0F 03 /r LSL r32,r/m32 pm=25/26 Load: r32 := segment limit, selector r/m32 (page granular)
The 32-bit forms of this instruction store the 32-bit byte granular limit in the 16-bit destination register.
Code and data segment descriptors are valid for LSL.
The valid special segment and gate descriptor types for LSL are given in the following table:
Type Name Valid/Invalid 0 Invalid Invalid 1 Available 80286 TSS Valid 2 LDT Valid 3 Busy 80286 TSS Valid 4 80286 call gate Invalid 5 80286/80386 task gate Invalid 6 80286 trap gate Invalid 7 80286 interrupt gate Invalid 8 Invalid Valid 9 Available 80386 TSS Valid A Invalid Invalid B Busy 80386 TSS Valid C 80386 call gate Invalid D Invalid Invalid E 80386 trap gate Invalid F 80386 interrupt gate Invalid
up: Chapter 17 -- 80386 Instruction Set
prev: LOOP/LOOPcond Loop Control with CX Counter
next: LTR Load Task Register