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prev: 9.8 Exception Conditions
next: 9.10 Error Code Summary

9.9 Exception Summary

Table 9-6 summarizes the exceptions recognized by the 386.

Table 9-6. Exception Summary

Description               Interrupt   Return Address  Exception     Function That Can Generate
Number      Points to       Type          the Exception

Divide error               0          YES             FAULT         DIV, IDIV
Debug exceptions           1
Some debug exceptions are traps and some are faults.  The exception
handler can determine which has occurred by examining DR6.  (Refer to Chapter 12.)
Some debug exceptions are traps and some are faults.  The exception
handler can determine which has occurred by examining DR6.  (Refer to Chapter 12.) Any instruction
Breakpoint                 3          NO              TRAP          One-byte INT 3
Overflow                   4          NO              TRAP          INTO
Bounds check               5          YES             FAULT         BOUND
Invalid opcode             6          YES             FAULT         Any illegal instruction
Coprocessor not available  7          YES             FAULT         ESC, WAIT
Double fault               8          YES             ABORT         Any instruction that can
generate an exception
Coprocessor Segment
Overrun                    9          NO              ABORT         Any operand of an ESC
instruction that wraps around
the end of a segment.
Invalid TSS               10          YES             FAULT
An invalid-TSS fault is not restartable if it occurs during the
processing of an external interrupt.        JMP, CALL, IRET, any interrupt
Segment not present       11          YES             FAULT         Any segment-register modifier
Stack exception           12          YES             FAULT         Any memory reference thru SS
General Protection        13          YES             FAULT/ABORT
All GP faults are restartable. If the fault occurs while attempting to
vector to the handler for an external interrupt, the interrupted program is
restartable, but the interrupt may be lost.  Any memory reference or code
Page fault                14          YES             FAULT         Any memory reference or code
Coprocessor error         16          YES             FAULT
Coprocessor errors are reported as a fault on the first ESC or WAIT
instruction executed after the ESC instruction that caused the error.        ESC, WAIT
Two-byte SW Interrupt     0-255       NO              TRAP          INT n

up: Chapter 9 -- Exceptions and Interrupts
prev: 9.8 Exception Conditions
next: 9.10 Error Code Summary